The Importance of Green in Combating Technostress

Philodendron Burlington

The green leafy goodness of houseplants have made a resurgence in popularity in the last few years. These last 6 months have multiplied the interest.

Our living and working space has moved from outdoors to indoors – more than 85% of a person’s daily life is spent indoors. While developments in technology have allowed people to remain connected through the computer environment, it is not without the rise of “technostress”. Most people are instinctively drawn towards green spaces – and plants are the perfect way to bring this greenery indoors. Research has shown that greenery can have a beneficial impact on mental health.

A Trio of Green Beauties – Sansevieria, Monstera & Pilea

Taking in natural green is good for clearing the mind, reducing stress and increasing happiness. Other benefits of surrounding yourself with plants, reported in Psychology Today, includes lowered blood pressure, improved productivity in workplaces, general improvement on well-being and improved job satisfaction.

An added bonus of indoor plants is that they help to reduce pollution, which may be why we feel that little bit better when we are around them or working in a workplace that has them.

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