Provide for Pollinators

Alden Lane Nursery is encouraging everyone to help pollinators by planting a few pollinator plants in their garden from seed or plants. Everyone has a bit of room for pollinator habitat!

Our favorite seed company, Botanical Interests offers these Pollinator Tips:

4 P’s of Pollinator-Friendly Gardening

Plant flowers
Provide food for pollinators by sowing flowers, especially native varieties.

Plant diversity
Plant a diversity of bloom times, colors, and heights. By staggering bloom times, you provide a reason for pollinators to call your garden home throughout the growing season. Some pollinators are very small and need very small, open flowers in order to access the pollen or nectar. Sow a diversity of flower shapes and sizes, usually simpler (vs. double petal) varieties of flowers work for more species.

Provide water
In your water feature, create small islands with stones where pollinators can land, and climb in and out.

Pass on pesticides
Look for organic ways to block pests, disrupt their life cycle, and invite their predators. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques utilize simpler solutions, such as using a fabric row cover to block pests. Sowing varieties like alyssum or allowing dill to flower will attract beneficial and predatory insects.

Alden Lane Nursery carries hundreds of pollinator plants including natives. We also carry Botanical Interest Seeds (being restocked this week!), offering dozens of seed varieties to add pollinator habitat to your landscape.

Get on Board!  Plant something for the pollinators!

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