Orchid Tough Love

orchid2400Tough Love for Your Orchids to Thrive

For those of you who have experienced disappointment with the orchids you have loved and nurtured, only to have them turn on you, becoming sullen and unresponsive to your good intentions and constant worrying and care . . . I say STOP!

In order for most indoor orchids to flourish and thrive – stop hovering. Find them a very bright spot to call their own, in or near a window, (or under grow lights), and figure out their watering needs – which, if you have lost orchids in the past, usually means you have over-nurtured and drowned them in your loving good intentions.

They are plants that grow in trees, hang around without the benefit of soil (or YOU), get watered only when it rains, and are designed to go through drought. So water only when very dry. In most cases they are potted in moss, or moss and bark, and in a typical 4″ pot you would water every 2 to 3 weeks, and never let them sit in water for more than a few minutes.

One of their other needs is very strong, filtered light in order to thrive and bloom. They can’t bloom without it! So I say, in the language of tough love, kick them out of the house! When our temps are above 50 degrees at night (usually around May to October), find them a cozy spot under cover of porch or patio where they get bright shade and occasional water and fertilizer, and before you know it they will THRIVE!

Having said all this in the spirit of tough love – if you need an orchid counselor, I am on call most days at Alden Lane. So let me know if you need some hand-holding and words of ­­encouragement. I am here for you – just ask for Sue.


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