Onions and Garlic

We now have onion bulbs and garlic in stock for planting now.

Garlic or onion bulbs planted into the soil now will begin to put down roots and sprout leaves. They will be nurtured through winter with cooler temperatures and rain. They will fill in well through spring for an early to mid-summer harvest.

Onions and the related shallots and garlic all grow best during cool weather and are okay planted in the fall in California for late spring harvest. Plant in rows 1 to 2 feet apart in a moist seedbed, in full sun.

Onion sets (bulbs) should be planted 1½ inches deep and seeds ½ inch deep. Place seeds or bulb sets 1 to 2 inches apart in the row for green onions or 3 inches apart for bulb production.

We offer onions in red, yellow and white onions and an assortment of garlic.

Bundles of bare root onions are very popular as well and we hope they will arrive in November.

Use our Recipe for Good Garden Soil and then get ready to plant.


Each 10 x 10 area add:
  • 5-8 bags (2 cubic ft. size) Bumper Crop
  • 5 lbs Iron Sulfate to acidify and add iron
  • 10 lbs Master Vegetable Food
  • 40 lbs Gypsum. (It loosens hard soils as it adds important elements: sulfur and calcium.)

Mix well with your soil to a depth of 8″ and water well.

Bumper Crop

We recommend Bumper Crop soil amendment when planting garlic or onions. Bumper Crop is a blend of various organic nutrients and 15% Chicken Manure. As a compost,  fir bark holds up well over time.  The addition of chicken manure provides a needed boost of nitrogen. Mix Bumper Crop with existing soil at a ratio of 50/50.
Bumper Crop is on sale during October. Buy 4 bags for the price of 3 bags (save $13.99).
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