November Garden Checklist

checkbox[1] Indoor Bulbs – Start paperwhites, hyacinth, or amaryllis now for showy blooms in the weeks ahead. They bloom indoors and make an ideal housewarming gift. We have instructions along with an assortment of bulbs suitable for forcing at

checkbox[1] Outdoor Bulbs – Thanksgiving marks the ideal weekend in our climate for planting fall bulbs. Select bulbs, including tulips, hyacinth, Muscari, and narcissus, etc. Refrigerate Tulips & hyacinth until Thanksgiving when the weather outside has cooled. Plant your bulbs out in the landscape to the required depth and fertilize with Master Nursery Bulb Food. Your investment will reward you with timely displays of spring color.

checkbox[1] Plant onions and garlic from bulbs now.  Bare root onions arrive this month.

checkbox[1] Prevent Peach Leaf Curl! Protect fruit trees and deciduous shade trees from overwintering diseases and pests. Use Monterey Liqui-Cop, or Bonide Liquid Copper Spray now, even before leaf drop. For more details, to go Dormant Spray to Protect Your Fruit Trees Starts in Fall – Alden Lane Nursery

checkbox[1] Protect frost-tender plants before frosts arrive. Water plants ahead of a freeze and for added protection cover with “Fleece Bags” or drape plants with fabric frost blankets. String ­non-LED Christmas tree lights on your frost-tender plants. The warmth from the bulbs will provide another measure of protection.

checkbox[1] Set out winter-blooming annuals for a garden filled with color. Choose primroses, pansies, Iceland poppies, ornamental cabbage, and kale. Check with the staff.

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