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Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

If you are looking to dip your feet in the houseplant world, a pothos would be a good start. Pothos are easy care and undemanding. This lovely vining plant is a fun way to add a variety of different green shades to your home. Pothos come in a wide range of colors – variations of green, yellow & white.

Pothos tolerate a wide range of environments. They can do well in bright indirect light (just be careful to keep them out of direct sunlight!) as well as low light. If you choose a highly variegated they may not grow as well in low light. A good rule of thumb is the lighter the colors, the more light they require. They could lose their variegation if the light is too low.

Pothos will thrive in nutrient rich soil, but have been known to do almost as well in nutrient poor soil. You can opt to fertilize your pothos plant every few months (about 4x per year). This will help the plant grow more quickly. One of the great things about pothos is that they grow fairly quickly!

While pothos plants are an easy to care for houseplant, you should be aware that they are considered toxic. Some people experience skin irritation on contact with the sap. Keep pothos out of reach of cats, dogs and children.

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