Capers and Saffron

saffron-vanbloem[1]Saffron Crocus and Caper bushes are 2 plants that gardeners often ask for and we seldom have in stock. Saffron is only available in the fall as a bulb so the window of opportunity is narrow. Caper bushes are grown by just a few growers; we see them here once or twice a year. We now have beautiful plants and bulbs in stock so we’re letting everyone know; come and get yours!

Saffron is known as the world’s most expensive spice. Saffron is the delicate thread-like female portion of the saffron crocus flower. It is easy to grow but labor intensive to harvest. One or two dozen bulbs will provide enough saffron for a few dishes. As the bulbs multiply over the years, so too will the harvest. Plant crocus in good draining soil with protection from afternoon sun.

capers-sanmarcos[1]Caper bushes are Mediterranean plants known for producing the cape, an immature flower bud which is pickled for use in salads as well as meats and pasta dishes.

Plant caper bushes where the soil drains perfectly; they typically grow in sloped, dry locations where they receive very little extra water… Almost like a California native.

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