April Garden Checklist

Notes for April Gardening – April Garden Checklist

checkbox Now is the time to hang Yellow Jacket Traps. Early spring is the time to capture the colony’s queens thus exponentially reducing the yellow jackets in the area later in the year.

checkbox Make sure to fertilize all your plants to support and nurture all the beautiful spring growth. Drop in for just the right suggestion.

checkbox Protect new plantings from slugs and snails with pet safe Sluggo.

checkbox Control grubs naturally with “beneficial nematodes”. This all organic, biological approach is the best option for your veggies and other edibles. These are expected to be available later in April.

checkbox Japanese Maples are waking up from their winter’s rest. We love “bud break” season. Come see all the varieties and their magnificent spring new growth in beautiful shades of pink, red and cream.

checkbox Alden Lane Nursery has a wide selection of bedding plants for summer color. Choose favorites like petunias and marigolds, and later in the month cosmos, lobelia and zinnias. You can also plant tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and zucchini this month. Plant this month and reap the reward of bountiful produce through the summer and lots of fresh flowers for your home.

checkbox Oxalis (yellow flowered clover look-alike) can now be controlled (amazingly) in most lawns with Monterey Turflon Ester or Spurge Power.

checkbox Aphid Patrol – The warm weather has also brings out the aphids. Check the tender new growth on roses, ornamentals, fruit trees and vegetables. Hose them off with a stream of water. Control out of hand populations with Ladybugs or Master Nursery Pest Fighter All Seasons Spray Oil.

checkbox Weed Control – Be prepared with your weed tool of choice; hula hoe, dandelion weeder, hori hori knife or hand hoe. Cultivate problem areas and spread a layer of mulch to block sunlight.

checkbox Enjoy the garden in bloom then prune azaleas, camellias, and other spring bloomers after flowers fade to shape. Follow up with fertilizer Master’s Rose and Flower or Master’s Azalea & Camellia Food.

checkbox Plant, plant, plant! Fill your garden with color. We have thousands to select from including annuals, perennials, succulents, and flowering shrubs. Prepare your planting beds with our “Good Garden Soil Recipe”.

checkbox Fertilize fruit trees if you have not done so yet. Drop in for our feeding calendar.

checkbox Select a wisteria in April as they come into bloom.

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