February Garden Checklist

checkbox Choose your Camellias now! Seeing is believing, so choose now while they are in bloom. The selection is sizable, and you’ll be able to pick just the right color for your winter garden.

checkbox Feed the lawn monthly especially during cold, wet winter months. Feeding often not only maintains its attractive green color all winter it also minimizes rust disease and other problems resulting from malnutrition (let winter rains water it in). Masters Fall and Winter Lawn Fertilizer is formulated for the winter season.

checkbox We are eagerly awaiting our shipment of bulbs which will arrive this month. All the bulbs you plant this spring will fill your summer gardens with armloads of beautiful cut flowers. Think about what great addition dahlias, gladiolus, and lilies will provide to a summer bouquet.

checkbox Prevent crabgrass in your lawn before it starts. Apply Bonide Crabgrass & Weed Preventer now to prevent crabgrass seeds from sprouting.

checkbox Place three inches of mulch around trees, shrubs, and flower beds to keep weeds under control. Keep the mulch away from the trunks of trees and shrubs as well as the stems of bedding plants to prevent crown rot.

checkbox Prevent Petal Blight. Pick up and remove old flowers on camellias and azaleas to reduce the chance of petal blight. If you have had trouble with petal blight before, treat soil around the plants with Captan before flowers open.

checkbox Seed Potatoes are available January into March. Choose from certified disease-free white, red, blue, and gold varieties. Harvest new potatoes when plants begin to bloom in June and more mature potatoes when plants start to die down midsummer. Pick up our handy planting guide.

checkbox A new houseplant for your love this Valentine’s Day says it best! Choose from an assortment of fragrant flowering bulbs, African violets and lush houseplants.

checkbox Sweet Daphne – An old-fashioned fragrance for your garden! Budded and blooming now. Perfect for bright shade. Great container plant. Waxy pink and white flower clusters will perfume a room.

checkbox Prune evergreen shrubs and hedges such as boxwood between mid-February and early March so that pruning cuts are quickly covered with spring’s new growth. (Leave frost tender plants like citrus to prune later.) Prune strap leafed New Zealand Flax and African Iris to 4″ if a biennial renewal is wanted. Foliage will grow back with a fresh crop of gorgeous leaves.

checkbox Apply Iron-Sulfur or non-staining Iron Plus now to help restore and maintain green color in acid-loving plants such as citrus, camellia, azalea, gardenias, Japanese Maples, and Blueberries as well as many others including jasmine and photinia.

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