A Lilac in Every Garden

Lilacs have been around forever. Their nostalgic fragrance will transport you to earlier times and bring a smile to your face. Their romantic fragrance has inspired poetry, songs, romance and for many bring fond nostalgic memories of springs past. It is a MUST HAVE and a grandmother in your life – or me – would agree!

From bud through bloom you’ll enjoy lilacs for 6 to 8 weeks usually in April and early May. They indeed say, “Spring is Here.” Soak up their beauty in the garden or cut in a vase.

These deciduous shrubs are the perfect reminder that warmer days are soon to come. They can be used as a hedge or screen in the landscape, a single accent, or planted in mixed borders. Lilacs attract hummingbirds and butterflies and are surprisingly resistant to deer. We have a selection of different sizes and colors that will bloom in your garden this year and many years to come. What’s important to remember is where they would happily live and where you would like them to grow. Since lilacs lose their leaves in winter and are in glorious bloom for 6-8 weeks in spring, my suggestion is they be planted in an area that’s not the highest profile but certainly within ‘enjoyment’ view. 

Lilacs will prosper in our heavy Valley soils; transplant easily; are drought tolerant; prefer full sun, with a touch of afternoon shade, but will grow in light shade. They will endure a wide range of temperatures — our occasionally frosty valley winters will not phase the hardy lilac, they like the winter chill.

Low maintenance and very forgiving of occasional neglect, lilacs are ideal for busy valley weekend gardeners faced with time conflicts. All they ask is well-drained soil with good air circulation and lots of sunlight. In return, they will give you good looks, a fragrant bloom and cut flowers your neighbors will envy.

One of the oldest European garden favorites, Lilacs were spread throughout the world by Dutch, English, and French settlers and now adorn gardens and landscapes from America to China. Many mid-West and Eastern Gardeners in California yearn for lilacs to remind them of home.

Lilacs are a treasure in people’s hearts and minds for their classic scent and beauty. Establish them in spring before summer heat arrives and enjoy them for generations to come. We have several varieties for you to select from. Come and find just the right color to add to your garden and do some “Time Traveling” with its perfume.

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