Gift Card Page

We are currently working to transition our web page to HTTPS protocol in order to protect sensitive user data.

Over the years we have successfully relied on the services of PayPal to handle our payment collection when processing Gift Cards.

Google now requires https protocol on all pages that collect any user data. Https protocol will add a further layer of protection to all data handled here including anything entered in a text box. We are currently working to make this upgrade and encourage you to call Alden Lane during our business hours to purchase a gift card while we transition. (925) 447-0280

You can still make an online purchase below.


People love receiving Alden Lane Gift Cards because they always fit, are always the right color and they are always in style.  A lucky recipient can spend it any way they wish.  Make someone smile – order a card online and we will send it directly to them, or we can send it to you so you can deliver it in person.

We can mail a card directly to the recipient of your choice.  We make it look nice, slip it inside a gift envelope with a greeting card, and send it off within a larger mailing envelope.

We offer gift cards in several denominations, from $25 to $250.

To the price of each card, we add $1.50 for shipping/delivery processing.

Dollar Amount:

Recipients Name:

Recipient’s Full Address:

Greeting to the Recipient:

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