Keep the Harvest Coming!

The vegetable garden is getting into full swing. There are bags and bushels of tomatoes, zucchini, string beans, and peppers to harvest and share with family and friends. To keep the vegetable garden healthy and thriving, follow these tips.

Maintenance on summer vegetable gardens is most important this month. Fertilizing will keep your plants producing right up to the cooler weather.

Fertilize your summer vegetable garden routinely with Maxsea or E.B. Stone Organic Tomato & Vegetable food to receive the highest production possible.

Check for insect damage and use the appropriate sprays. Bring a sample of the damage into the nursery, and we’ll diagnose it for you.

Water should be applied as needed. If the plant has finished producing, remove it. Leaving an old or damaged plant will only spread diseases to the rest of the garden.

Pick vegetables when they are young. This will give you tender vegetables and keep the flowers and production high through the summer months.

Harvest old vegetables and compost them.

For moisture retention and weed control, use Bumper Crop mulch monthly.

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