Enjoy Enormous Amaryllis Bulbs that Bloom Indoors

Amaryllis bulbs are a seasonal favorite for the Holidays and starting them now can mean blooms on the table in a month. We have boxed kits and also large bulk bulbs.

Plant the bulbs indoors in a pot of soil, water them and watch them bloom within as little as four weeks. They are so easy; sometimes they even bloom before they are planted. Plant them in succession for months of enjoyment.

Amaryllis make a well-liked housewarming gift or select one for yourself. They are prized as a gift by both giver and receiver. In addition to being low maintenance and forgiving, they are one of the most impressive flowering bulbs you can grow indoors as a houseplant both because of their large blooms and gorgeous colors. This year we have them in traditional holiday red and white as well as a pink and variegated pink & white No matter what color you choose amaryllis is a show-stopper that brings a warm welcome to any home.

After your amaryllis blooms, remove the spent stem but nurture the rest of the plant with regular care and feeding. Place the pot outdoors only after the danger of frost passes and keep it watered while the long, strap-like leaves replenish the bulb. At summer’s end, lay the container on its side so that it receives no water, allow the leaves to wither and just as winter approaches, pick the pot up, clean it up by removing all the foliage, re-pot, begin to water it and it will bloom for you year after year.

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