Set Praying Mantis Egg Cases into the Garden Early

Place mantis egg cases into your garden now. As the cases warm, the young will hatch and go right to work protecting your plants.

Use a clothespin to hold the egg case on twig or branch of a shrub. Place the egg case on the morning sun side of your bush, so can warm up, but has some shade through the hottest part of the day.

Praying Mantids are very territorial and as they grow into larger insects, will patiently stalk their prey. They are amazing creatures and can help control garden insect pests naturally. They are fascinating to have around, spending days just waiting and watching for their next meal. Mantids robotically move their heads, keeping the prey always in sight, they have a quick and accurate attack.

Praying Mantid is so named because, while waiting for food to come by, they hold their long front arms as if it is praying. The mantid is a useful insect to have in your garden; it eats flies, caterpillars, grasshoppers, roaches, and other pests. But if you are a beekeeper, watch out – the praying mantid will sit at the entrance to the hive and devour bees one by one as they go in and out!

If you see a mantid, you may be startled by its aggressive behavior. It will stand up and buzz its wings at you. But that’s because it’s trying to scare you off; the Praying Mantid is harmless to humans.

Praying mantids are terrific pest exterminators. They keep down the population of bugs that are a threat to plants. A master of disguise, they can be an able assistant to farmer and gardener alike.

We have egg cases for sale, 2 cases in a cup for $12.99.

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