Herbs for Cooking

With your vegetable garden well established, now is an excellent time to consider adding some herbs to flavor those dishes!

Herbs can make a familiar dish new or lift an ordinary entrée to gourmet status. Their subtle magic transforms soups, stews, salads, bread, and even desserts. With a bouquet of herbs or a scattering of herb flowers as a garnish, your food will look as beautiful as it tastes.

Basil – It’s warm, heady flavor lends itself to Italian or Mediterranean cooking, especially tomato dishes or with eggs, cheese or salads. Special Tip: Pesto Sauce – Blend 2 cups of fresh basil, ¼c of parmesan, ½c of olive oil, 3  Tbsp. of pine nuts (or walnuts) and 3 cloves of minced garlic. Use on pasta and vegetables.
Chives – The subtle onion flavor of chives is perfect in omelets, salads, soups, or on potatoes and other vegetables. Special Tip: Get rid of onion odor by chewing on a fresh parsley sprig.
Dill – Used for pickling, dill is also fantastic in salads, sauces, soups or bread and on vegetables or fish. Special Tip: Try pickling green beans, carrots, new potatoes, or peppers with a bit of dill.
lavender150 Lavender – The addition of culinary grade lavender in tiny amounts can jazz up dishes as diverse as grilled pork chops, to scones, cakes, and even candy.
Marjoram – Like oregano but sweeter, this flavor is perfect in Mediterranean dishes, meats, and vegetables.
Mint – The flavor of mint is refreshing, cool, and sweet, especially good in iced drinks and teas, with lamb or in salad dressings. Plant mint only in a container. It can take over a garden bed if planted in the ground! Special Tip: Minty Sun Tea – Put 8 tea bags, ½c of fresh mint leaves, and 1 gallon of water in clear glass jar. Set in a sunny spot for several hours. Serve over ice.
Parsley – For a clean, sharp and peppery taste, add to vegetables and salads as a garnish. Include in sauces, soups, stews, and stuffing. Special Tip: Parsley is high in Vitamins A, C, and B.
Rosemary – The flavor of rosemary is bold and piney. Use it in pickles, jams, preserves, and sauces, as well as meats and soups. Special Tip: Use a branch of rosemary as a basting brush at your next barbeque or put some on the coals for a great aroma.
Sage – Warm, slightly bitter, this flavor is a must for turkey stuffing, as well as pork, duck and sausage seasoning. Special Tip: Dried sage leaves are used as a substitute for coffee or tea.
Tarragon – A spicy, sharp flavor with licorice and mint overtones, tarragon lends itself to French cooking, egg dishes, fish, and salad dressing. Special Tip – Tarragon Vinegar – Pour a quart of cold vinegar over ½c fresh tarragon leaves, cap, and store for 4 weeks.
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