Alden Lane Nursery - 981 Alden Lane - Livermore, CA 94550 - (925) 447-0280 ph - (925) 443-8512 fax
Spring & Summer Hours: Open 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Daily
Serving You Since 1955 -
Water-Wise Landscape Tips
1. Mulch "... keeps the ground moist.. provides good nutrients for your plants, improves your soil quality..."

2. Compost "... rain or irrigation water will be absorbed and stay in your soil"

3. Focus on your trees. If you lose your lawn, it's not the end of the world...But if you lose a tree, you've lost years of a shade canopy.

4. Tune up your irrigation "...make sure you are watering your plants, not sidewalks or driveways."

5. Reduce your watering schedule "...If you are watering four days a week, change it to two..."

What if you've already done these things? What's next for the advanced water-saving homeowner?

6. Replace your plants with California natives.

7. Remove your lawn....

U. C. Arboretum All Stars Plant Collection
On June 28th at 11:00 am, learn more about the U.C. Davis "All Star" plant collection.  These plants are Californian natives and Mediterraneans, that have been deemed not only low water users, but also attractive and insect and disease resistant. 

Check out the "Arboretum All Stars" and plan to attend a U.C. Davis Arboretum All Stars class at Alden Lane on June 28th!

UC Davis has an extensive arboretum and public garden with lots of resources for water wise gardening.

The following are a few excerpts from an article on saving water in the landscape... for the full article, read here